Nightscout Connect EHR

Nightscout Connect EHR is a healthcare professional's window into real-time data.
The power of citizen-centric innovation
Tens of thousands of people use remote glucose monitoring tools and applications developed by the Nightscout open source development community. Thousands use automated insulin delivery systems, where an algorithm on a mobile device controls insulin dosing of an insulin pump based on readings from a continuous glucose monitor.
The development of these applications occurs outside of traditional medical device industry, but the worlds are tightly connected. Devices and algorithms developed by the open source community add a layer of security on top of that built in to the medical devices used as part of the solution. They also help the industry validate needs and consumer demand for technologies.
Access to Nightscout data
When people use Nightscout apps for remote glucose monitoring, the data is not always available to the healthcare professionals through the services provided by device manufacturers.
However, in order to provide their patients with the best possible care, healthcare professionals need access to the patient generated health data.
to give you access
to Nightscout data!
Nightscout Connect EHR brings that information, in the form of Nightscout remote glucose monitoring views and the insightful reports, embedded into the EHR systems and workflows of the healthcare professionals. As a safe and secure CE marked medical device.
SSO makes it simpler
Nightscout Connect EHR can be integrated into the EHR with a single sign-on mechanism, so that no additional login is required to any other system, and the view of the patient currently selected on the EHR is shown, with no need to re-select a patient.
Want to see it?
If you're a forward-looking healthcare professional interested in supporting people using Nightscout systems, we'll be more than happy to help you do it in a safe and secure way! Just get in touch by sending an email to